Coolest Projects UK 2020 – Cancelled
Coolest Projects UK, 4 April 2020 in Manchester, and Coolest Projects International, 6 June 2020 in Dublin
Raspberry Pi have decided to cancel both upcoming Coolest Projects events. This was a really tough decision. In both cases, there is just too much uncertainty for them to continue to ask young people, parents, mentors, and volunteers to make travel and other arrangements.
They are exploring options for providing an online experience that will enable the young creators to still showcase their amazing projects, so please don’t stop work on your project. They will provide further updates on the Coolest Projects website.
On Saturday April 4th we are hosting the UK leg of Raspberry PI Foundation’s ‘Coolest Projects’ global creative technology showcase event for young people.
Coolest Projects UK is a world-leading showcase for young innovators who make stuff with technology. If you’re under 18, and making something with technology for fun, to solve a problem, or as a creative outlet, then we want you to come out and share your projects with us!
Who can enter
Coolest Projects UK is open to all young people under 18. Register your project to participate in the showcase in Manchester together with hundreds of other young tech creators from around the UK.
All projects are welcome, in any programming language or using whatever hardware you have to hand, and whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned expert.
You can work as an individual or as part of a team of up to five. Coolest Projects events are open to all levels of ability; the focus is on creativity, participation, and most of all on having fun!
Entries can win awards in different categories, from games and mobile apps to advanced programming.
The project registration form is simple, and you should complete it with the adult accompanying you to the event.
At Coolest Projects UK last year, a team of five (Jack, Elsa, Bethan, Tara, and Lily, all aged between 11 and 12 at the time) had made the journey all the way from Fife in Scotland to showcase their app called MAD About Litter. They were inspired by their concerns about the environment and by beach cleanups they had attended, so they built a smartphone app to help tackle littering in their local area.
Freddie from Monmouthshire, 13 at the time of Coolest Projects UK 2019, spent more than twelve months building a door security system for the elderly, because he wanted to help his great-aunt feel more secure at home. He used facial recognition technology to create his invention, which keeps the front door locked until it recognises the face of an arriving family member and allows them to unlock the door.
Coolest Projects UK is the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s celebration of young tech creators — it’s important to give them a space to shine, and for more people to discover their wonderful, world-changing ideas. Foundation CEO Philip Colligan says: “For me, Coolest Projects is absolutely one of the highlights of the year. It’s a great opportunity for young people to showcase their projects and meet other young digital makers. I always come away feeling inspired and optimistic about the future.”