Aucoda launches a Global Computer Club for Schools
Manchester based software business Aucoda, the creator of the revolutionary programming language Au, launch its latest initiative – Au for Schools.
Au for Schools – Developing digital skills and giving young people more opportunity to access a career in software development. Available now to educational institutions*
Dr Raj Curwen, the inventor stated “As the global shortage of software developers and digital skills grows, it is now more important than ever that we encourage young people to choose coding as a future career.
Au for Schools is a Computer Club for modern times to provide access and encouragement for young people to take their first steps in code.
Au is easier and quicker to learn than other languages and is therefore a perfect starting point in your development journey”
What makes Au for Schools more relevant in our digital world?
Au for Schools is an “Out of the box” Computer Club that teaches computational thinking and gives young people the same opportunity to take their first steps into a computer programming career no matter what their current coding abilities are, or where they are in the country.
The course has been successfully trialled at a leading UK Sixth Form College for 2 years with an amazing reaction from the students, and demand increasing each semester. Course numbers are predicted to grow, for the third year running, in the 2022/23 academic year.
Aucoda also runs an international online training course as part of the Au Academy. This course is available to all, but primarily targets university graduates wanting to enhance their skills in preparation for joining the software development industry.
Leading UK 6th Form College – Computer Science course leader – “We are absolutely blown away with what Aucoda are creating and we feel privileged that our students can be part of this”
Student from the Au Academy – “Reaching that level of proficiency and speed in such a short training time would be unthinkable in any other language”
Academic institution in the Middle East – “Being in a community with an amazing vision to the future, with a totally new programming language is amazing”
Additional information:
Aucoda runs regular webinars to demonstrate the technology and events are posted on the website. Tutors and students are invited to trial the first two weeks of the course via our website.
No prior coding experience is needed. The Au for Schools Computer Club can be integrated into all schools, including those where no computer science faculty exists. This is made possible with “Tutor Mode”, which provides Tutors with extra information and class suggestions so they can successfully run the course for their students, regardless of previous coding knowledge.
Au for Schools is a managed learning environment where full support is given to tutors and students by the Aucoda team and the Au community.
*The course materials used by the Au for Schools Computer Club are also available for individuals who would prefer self-paced learning without joining a Computer Club, register here.
For any further information please email Aucoda at: